The folks at Blackheart Amps know how difficult it is to stay cool when you’re sitting there waiting for your Blackheart amp to arrive. Sure, they say “good things come to those who wait,” but we all know that the waiting is the hardest part (sorry Tom). Out in their empty, yet supremely HOT Blackheart warehouse the other day, kicking cobwebs and dreaming up ways to give BHE fans something – anything! – to get you off their backs… ughhh, to help you cool down. Their Head Animal sees this big, black cube sitting in a corner. Too big to be a Blackheart amp, yet too small to be a refrigerator. He walks over to it, kicks it, and hears all these bottles clanking together. He reaches for the front of it, and the front falls open… mysteriously… like…. a refrigerator would. The leader of the pack goes, “This IS a refrigerator! And it’s stocked with Jones Blackheart Soda! Quick, let’s get this outta here before the superintendent sees us!”
But Head Animal, being the giving sort that he is, says we can’t keep the refrigerator. So they’re gonna give it to the lucky entrant who, in 50 words or less, can tell us why he or she is the most deserving of it. Don’t worry… It’ll be stocked with Jones Blackheart Soda. And 5 runner-ups will get a consolation prize of a case of soda each. Hurry and enter now, though, because this contest is open only through July 31, 2008. On August 1 winners will be picked – and the rest of you will have to head over to the convenience store and stock up on normal, boring soda. Visit Blackheart Amps for the contest details. Credit: Blackheart Amps.