Upcoming Guitar Events for May 2009
Capital Region Guitar Show– May 8th & 9th at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Saratoga Springs, NY. Contact: Matt 518-581-1604. songman@saratogaguitar.com.
3rd Annual NY Amp Show– May 9th at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 121 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ. Contact: Loni Spector Productions 818-992-0745. loni@ampshow.com.
Chicago Guitar Show– May 16th & 17th at the DuPage Expo, 4050 East Main Street, St. Charles, IL. Contact: 817-312-7659, 817-473-6087. texasguitarshows.com.
Southern Illinois Guitar Show– May 30th at the Community Building in Indianapolis, IL. Exit 83 off I-57. Contact: Walter Grimes 618-315-2373. wcgrimes@mvn.net.
Southern Connecticut Guitar Show– May 31st at the Knights of Columbus Hall 333 Unquowa Road, Fairfield, CT. Contact: Lou 203-218-2210. Fairfieldguitarcenter@msn.com.
Michigan Guitar Show– May 31st at the Mabry Center, 23401 Mound Road between 9 and 10 mile, Warren, MI.Contact: Gordy: 248-546-7447. gordysmusic@prodigy.net.