Tim over at twangLINK has just included 300guitars on his growing list of link resources. Thanks Tim!! twangLINK is slowly building bridges between musicians, eccentric inventors, non-conformist artists and various creative souls they have come in contact with over the years, and are actively looking to meet more to include on the growing list. It is a long term project but in the end twangLINK will be a resource for world wide twangsters marketing their art & music, gear & guitars, ideas & musical services.
It’s a really cool resource for links that have great content and one of them I found particularly interesting about guitar wiring which set off my guitar tinkerer alarm!! Visit Tim over at twangLINK and check it out. Don’t be shy and give him a link. You will be among good company over there….I know I am! Thanks again Time!!
Click here to visit twangLINK and check out the resources.