GTR Audio ConeTones Vol. 1 Now Available!

spkrzr4c2 Did you ever wish you could compare dozens of speakers for your guitar amp or cabinet? Well, now you can thanks to the GTR Audio ConeTones CD! ConeTones is a guitar speaker comparison audio CD that allows the listener to directly compare the differences (and similarities) among more than 40 of the most popular guitar speakers in the industry

The goal of GTR Audio, in the creation of the ConeTones CD, was to change all of the “variables” normally associated with recorded guitar sounds to “constants” and thereby leave the speakers themselves as the only variable from track to track. This method effectively levels the playing field and allows for a fair comparison of the sampled speakers.

All tracks consist of four different sections of guitar audio. The first section is “clean” with the three subsequent sections exhibiting progressively greater levels of distortion. Speaker identification is announced at the end of each track. This method of placing ID at the end permits the four sections of guitar audio to remain time aligned from one speaker model to the next. For further information and ordering click here. Credit: GTR Audio.

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